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gbxnovatelacfr::Config Class ReferenceAll the information needed to configure the driver. More...
Detailed DescriptionAll the information needed to configure the driver.The device itself has even more options, consult your manual. If all these possibilities don't seem to be sufficient, consult your friendly developer for extension (better yet, send a patch) The easiest way to get a valid (and useful) Config, is to initialise it with a SimpleConfig (for INS operation) or GpsOnlyConfig (for GPS operation) Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Shortcut to set up a Configuration for INS operation. yields a valid config, with reasonable defaults (RawImu 100Hz, InsPva 50Hz, BestGpsPos/Vel 5Hz)
Shortcut to set up a Configuration for GPS operation. yields a valid config, for gps only operation (BestGpsPos/Vel 20Hz)
Member Function Documentation
Returns true if the configuration is sane. Checks include:
References dtGpsPos_, dtGpsVel_, dtInsPva_, fixInvalidRateSettings_, imuToGpsOffset_, imuToGpsOffsetUncertainty_, imuType_, insOffset_, and vehicleBodyRotationUncertainty_.
Member Data Documentation
as expected by the "SETIMUTYPE" command (SPAN Technology for OEMV User Manual Rev 3, Table 15, page 64) Referenced by isValid(), and toString().
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