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Dev Guide

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These tests were done to qualify the driver for acceptance according to the principles of project operation ( 2.1.2 Criteria for acceptance). The original versions (and following discussions) can be found in the archives for the devel mailing list.
- Setup:
- Hardware:
- Novatel ProPak V3 (OEMV) receiver
- Honeywell HG1700AG62 IMU
- Software:
- gbxnovatelacfrtest, built as per example.readme.
- Tests:
- Hooked up receiver and ran test program with different parameters (-m ins/gps -v): Enables the expected messages, prints out message-types/contents (depending on -v)
- Set baudrate too low (9600 for -m gps, 38400 for ins): Fails as expected in Config.isValid() (with appropriate message).
- BestGpsPos: Roughly checked lat/lon (google-earth, marker on our lab), heightAMSL (~30m sounds right for our lab), sigmas look ok (~2m lat/lon, double that for height), GpsWeekNr 1487 sounds right (~28 years * 52), timestamps are consistent with report-frequency, number of observations is sensible (6-10).
- BestGpsVel: Same as pos, speed hor/vert is zero as expected, heading meaningless as expected
- RawImu:
- Accelerations: verified values and signs by aligning different axis with gravity (checked 0, 1g, -1g for all axis)
- Gyros: verified values and signs by turning 180deg, and integrating program output manually (done for all axis)
- Roughly verified:
- InsPva status: goes through the expected cycle (inactive, aligning, need to perform maneuvers)
- BestGpsVel/Pos: status/solutionStatus/solutionType
- Not Tested:
- InsOffset_, vehicleBodyRotation_, setImuOrientation_, InsPva (signs, values), BestGpsVel (signs, values): These guys are not testable in a bench-top setup
- Setup:
- Hardware:
- Novatel Pro-Pak-G2 plus receiver
- assorted cables (RS232 connection)
- GPS antenna
- 12V power supply
- Software:
- gbxnovatelacfrtest, built as per example.readme.
- Tests:
- All tests performed with Novatel GPS unit, no IMU unit connected on moving vehicle
- Antenna cable disconnected from GPS receiver: Driver displays [Antenna power status: Powered; Antenna open flag: Open; Antenna shorted flag: OK], terminates after 10 seconds
- Started driver with antenna disconnected, connected antenna as soon as possible: Driver displays [Antenna power status: Powered; Antenna open flag: Open; Antenna shorted flag: OK], termination occurs after 10 seconds without reflecting the status, possible insufficient time to detect hardware change..
- Connected driver at different baud rates (19200, 38400, 57600, 115200) Driver displays BestGpsPos data, no error messages and terminates after 10 seconds
- Connected driver at 9600 baud rates Driver displays error message and terminates The combined data-rate of the messages/message rates you configured exceeds the configured baud rate 28800 / 9600 Invalid configuration!
- Roughly verified:
- Temperature (ambient, rising during parking under sunlight).
- Position reported: drove the vehicle with GPS mounted and position reflect the vehicle motion
- Velocity reported: drove the vehicle with GPS mounted and recorded velocity readings appeared to reflect the vehicle motion
- Not Tested:
- Connecting the IMU and getting the integrated solution
- Questions:
- SBAS and RTK Is there a way to select these as configuration parameters on command line?